Get the bracelet of time for however many halo’s it costs. Plus it requires a lot of halo’s so don’t feel bad, you worked hard for your money! I forget what these directions are and for which accessories they are for so you have to search it up, but seriously it’s very simple and intended by Kamiya. To use them you have to input certain directions next to the doors after tapping them. Basically on the second chapter there are some doors that offer items for money that you could previously only get by getting all umbran tears of blood. Search them up if you don’t know how to do them. Then, Halo farm until you have enough money to use the secret door cheats. Of course this method is slightly cheesey, in that you abuse certain mechanics, but if you want to get pure platinum on everything without having to pour thousands of hours into the game to become a god at it then you gotta do what you gotta do.

Hey guys, just wanted to share a relatively easy way to pure platinum the entirety of Bayonetta 2, and this includes Rodin.