You can also open the skin SettingsWindow.ini The raw settings file is Rainmeter/Skins/VisBubble/Settings.inc How do I access the settings? Access the settings by double-clicking the skin, or via right-click context menu.It reacts to the sounds on your computer. Updated Google Play Music Desktop Player Plugin to 1.4.VisBubble is a round audio visualizer for Rainmeter.Added Open variables file button on right-click menu.Added Invert Visualizer option (this will flip the spectrum, but keeps the rotation angle).Added Ignore Sound when not playing option (this will disable the visualizer when no media player is playing).Added Drop shadow option ( ON by default).It got support for many major websites and streaming services, including Youtube, SoundCloud and Pandora and many more are planned. It will fetch the song you're playing from your webbrowser through an extension (Chrome and Firefox) and it will display the song information in the skin. There is a lot of new stuff in this new update, but first i wanted to thank again for helping me with this update because this will include his newest plugin: WebNowPlaying Updated SpotifyPlugin & WebNowPlaying plugins.Added auto detection of the default audio device.Added update checker (you will get a small notification when a new update hits Github).Improved skin width calculations (this is especially useful for rotation & progress bar).Improved visualizer performance (0-0.5% CPU on a i5-3570k).Tweaked audio visualization (much better audio smoothing + new multiplier value to increase size).Completely rewrote the skin from the ground up (using latest Rainmeter features).This is insane and i really want to thank you guys for your support, keep on being awesome :) Since the start of this project back in October 2014 i've never thought that this will become the currently most viewed Rainmeter skin on DeviantArt with ~1 million views and around 250k downloads on Github (since Jan 2017). This update includes the biggest rewrite i've made for this skin yet and such includes a lot of under-the-hood improvements which improved performance and also made development much easier. INFO: This update requires the Rainmeter 4.2 Beta (r3074)